Thursday, June 21, 2007

$$ Plse? Are you kidding me?

According to the NYT's political blog John Edwards is rolling out a text for dollars campaign tonight.

The Edwards campaign will send out nearly 13,000 text messages to supporters asking for last minute (of the quarter) support. I don't know how you would feel, but getting a text message asking for money would only ensure that the candidate would lose my vote!

Apparently Edwards is not the only texter! Obama and Hillary have similar text "services." These campaigns text campaign updates to their supporters. Honestly, what can these texts possibly say?

Message from: Hillary
I love America, I need more money

That's about it. What kind of updates are there at this stage in the campaign? Who needs updates on their phone about a campaign? Isn't reading about it online and in the paper enough? This isn't a fast moving sporting event, text updates are not needed!

All these campaigns are trying to do is keep in touch to raise more money. There is no actual news or benefit for the supporter.

Why is it that only Democrats are employing these odd campaign techniques?

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