Thursday, February 22, 2007

Iran: Spineless Leadership Wants War

What is wrong with this guy? A Washington Post story today reported that the deadline set by the UN Security Council for Iran to "suspend its enrichment-related activities" has come and past.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (seen in this picture during his hostage taking days) "vowed again today that Iran would not give up its nuclear activities." Iran claims that they are developing peaceful nuclear energy.

If that's the case then why won't they accept free aide from other countries including materials that would speed their pursuit for "peaceful nuclear energy."

There is no logical reason to refuse such offers, but Iran has. Why? Because they are trying to make a nuclear bomb to drop on Israel. "President" Ahmadinejad is notorious for frequently calling for Israel to be wiped off the map.

During the (odd) war last summer ID carrying Iranian agents were captured among the Hezbollah fighters. And now the Iranians are supplying Iraqi insurgents with IED devices to attack US troops.

The leadership in Iran is spineless. If they want to fight another country, fight them. Don't send in covert agents and try and hide yourself. That is the way of terrorists, the most spineless people on the face of the earth.

In the Post's story the great Ahmadinejad also sent a message to global powers, "If you return to the path of righteousness, you will have the friendship of our nation, and if you insist on your wrongdoing you will experience humiliation, misery and shame."

Oh, what is the path of righteousness Mr. A.? Sending in covert fighters to fight Israel, making bombs for Iraqi insurgents, or how about saying that the Holocaust never happened?

It seemed that a week or so ago Iran seemed to be up for negotiations. At least that is what everyone in Iran wants, except Mr. A. It worked for North Korea, lets just hope that Condi Rice can work some magic with Iran, or that Mr. A is overthrown by his citizens. I'd prefer to see that latter. The Iranian people are much smarter than he is.

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