According to the New York Times, yesterday the Iraqi national security advisor Mowaffak al-Rabaie visited Washington to try to convince lawmakers, "... that early withdrawal would lead to chaos."
Mr. al-Rabaie meet with numerous lawmakers, including many Democrats who have taken the popular "we need to withdrawal now" stance. In those meetings al-Rabaie explained to the politicians (who have never been to Iraq) that troop withdrawal deadlines are unrealistic and would embolden the enemy.
This whole Democratic stance on Iraq is like a 'bandwagoning fan.' They want to withdrawal now because the intelligence for the reasons to invade were false. Its as simple as that.
If a politician was asked today if Iraq would be better off if our troops were withdrawn today (and if they were guaranteed a re-election regardless of their answer) they would say NO.
If you look at the number of Iraqi civilians, and the number of Iraqi military and police (who are not even trustworthy and efficient yet) it is obvious that they cannot defend themselves against the terrorists. Hell, our troops are having a tough time at it. Do you really think if our troops left that all of a sudden the Iraqis would become sharp shooting GI Joes? Give me a break.
If we left, Iraq would become a terrorist training camp. We do need change our attack of this war. We need to go on offense. You can't win a war on defense.
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