Rudy Giuliani (who for some reason has begun to use his middle initial) announced that he favors abortion rights, gay rights, and restrictions on guns. In other words, he announced that he will not be winning the primary.
I have to give credit to Giuliani for not listening to the fat cats in the smoke filled back rooms and showing what he really stands for.
Unfortunately this will lead to his downfall in the primary election. Typically only far right wingers (in Republican primaries) vote in primary elections. A right winger will not vote for someone who supports abortion rights, let alone gay rights, and gun control.
Rudy must be feeling that he has to try something new (tell his real views) to separate himself from the pack of candidates who are hard to distinguish.
I hope that this version of 'political chicken' works out for Giuliani, I would love to see someone with different views than their party win a primary.
He looks like Truman. Does Rudy's middle initial mean anything?
IS THERE A SITE on this Unity08 that I can see who has beennominated? I am old and sometimes (actually most of the time) have "trouble" doing what is supposed to be done. Please let me know at MakepeaceMLH@aol.com
Thank you, Margie
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